
Showing posts with label Feelings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Feelings. Show all posts

Friday, July 13, 2012

Nestlé Low Fat Milk

How many types of fresh milk have you tried before? Well, I believe there are many brands of fresh milk in the market you can think of. Do you notice that some of them have to be kept in the fridge (normally expired within 1-2 weeks time) while some can be kept in the normal shelves (can keep for 1-2 years time) in the supermarket?

Some people told me that when we drink fresh milk, we have to make sure it's really 'fresh' without preservative. So it's better to choose those in the fridge. I thought the same too till I got pregnant.

Due to hormone changes, my taste bud has changed totally during my pregnancy. Whatever is sweet had turned to extremely bitter; Sour became sweet; Bitter became normal; Spicy remained spicy.

That was a torturing changed for me. And till then, I just realized that many food and beverage we are eating everyday contains sugar,  including fresh milk!!

We are always been told that it's important to drink enough milk during pregnancy so that our baby can be healthy, strong and smart, oh, fair too! So I learn to make it as a daily habit but before I can make it as a routine, I have problem getting a non-sugar fresh milk for a while. I had tasted all the fresh milk in the supermarket till I found this Nestle Low Fat Milk (which is always selling at the shelves). I was like thank goodness, finally I have found you!!

Well, my girl is now 31 months already. My hubby and I still continue to consume this fresh milk everyday. I have to say that, I'm glad that I had such hormone changes during pregnancy which helps me to find out the "true color" of the food and drinks that we have daily.

So, if you are having the same problem like me, try out this fresh milk. It taste good! ^^

Tuesday, June 12, 2012



騙局一   先假後真
這個男人就向邊上的一個人借了手機要撥自己的號碼 ,突然靠近門口的一個人拔腿擠下車

騙局二   兩面出擊

騙局三  求助

騙局四  可怕的傳單
這時過來一個推銷人員向其遞來傳單或宣傳資料。但當其拿著那幾張傳單數分鐘之後 ,忽
醫院診斷 ,該女生是由於接觸或吸入了一種可以導致昏迷的藥物,學名達克羅寧,醫生稱
如果過量容易導致死亡! !這是一起有預謀的搶劫未遂事件,傳單上噴灑了藥物。

騙局五  不識字
今天經過一棟大樓門口,門口有一提款機。有一個老伯 ,一直看著我走過他身邊,突然叫
我回答我無法幫你取,叫警衛幫你。結果,他就回答我說不用了, 繼續找其他路人幫他取

騙局六  突然停電
XX小区一業主,家中突然斷電,看到窗戶外別人家裡都有電,就出門查看自家​ ​ 電錶箱,打
貓眼的多觀察一會門外動靜,沒貓眼的也隔著門靜聽一段時間, 沒有異常響動再開門。

騙局七 高壓電
直哭,很可憐,然後就過去問那小朋友怎麼了。小朋友就跟那個小姐說, 我迷路了,可否

騙局八  自動取款機
如果我立即去追小女孩,則站在我後面的老婦女將會取​ ​ 光我卡中所有的錢,因為我的卡還

騙局九  嬰兒的哭聲
這件事很奇怪,於是她打電話給CT。 CT告訴她,無論如何,絕對不要開門。
過。CT告訴她,我們已派人前往 ,無論如何叫她不能開門。警方認為這是一個連續發生

騙局十   找不開

騙局十一   沒零錢

騙局十二   撿錢

騙局十三 密碼

騙局十四   網吧掉錢


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Basmati Rice

Recently I'm addicted to Basmati Rice. Have you heard or tried any Basmati Rice before?

Basmati rice is a variety of long grain rice grown in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan, notable for its fragrance and delicate, nuanced flavour. Its name means "the fragrant one" in Sanskrit, but it can also mean "the soft rice".India is the largest cultivator, consumer and exporter of this rice; it is primarily grown through paddy field farming in the Punjab region.
The grains of basmati rice are longer than most other types of rice. Cooked grains of Basmati rice are characteristically free flowing rather than sticky, as with most long-grain rice. Cooked basmati rice can be uniquely identified by its fragrance. In addition to normal (white) Basmati rice, brown basmati is available, although uncommon. (copied from Wikipedia)
Well, whenever I dine in the Northern Indian restaurant, I will definitely go for their Basmati rice. Then lately my hubby and I decided to buy 5kg of Basmati rice and eat it for 2 meals a day. 
I love to eat rice, and this Basmati rice makes me crave even more. I feel happy to eat it everyday and I realized that the portion of rice I'm eating is getting more and more. 
Too bad my "happiness" didn't last long. Today one of my friend's sister saw me and asked whether I'm expecting. (swallowing my tears) Of course not! @#$%^&* Blame the Basmati rice! 

Basmati rice, listen up, I will eat you later for revenge! 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Kenny Sia

Guess who had I met in Kuching? 
(well, obviously you can guess it right because it's already written in my  post title) 

Kenny Sia! My favorite blogger! Wahahahahaha!

Well, the first time I met him was in many years ago at the Manhattan Fish Market Restaurant at The Spring, Kuching. 

My younger sister and I were so excited when we realized that the young man who just walked into the restaurant and sitting so 'near' to us (less than 5 meter), breathing the same air (scrumptious food smell), having lunch in the same restaurant is Kenny. Wow!

Then I suggested, "Hey, let's take a photo with him!" 
My sister gave me a look and said, "Are you sure? Please don't do anything silly and make a fool of yourself. What do you wanna say to him?"
I was like errr.....I have no idea. 

Well, I really wish to shake his hand and said hello but I wasn't brave enough. So in the end, I didn't take any action but left the restaurant sadly. Ever since then, I have been regretted for many years. 

However, during my trip to Kuching this time, I met him again at Tom's Restaurant at Jalan Padungan. My friends and I were leaving (our butts were stick on the chairs though) after our wonderful lunch and saw him walking in from the main entrance. I was stunned and wasn't sure whether he is Kenny (well, he does look different compare to many years ago). I kept asking my friends and they have no idea who is Kenny Sia. T_T  

After I told them my 'story' and how much I 'love' him, they encouraged me to step forward without any delay. He was sitting at the corner eating his pasta. I felt so sorry to interrupt him and I nearly back off. My friend looked into my eyes and said, "Are you sure you wouldn't regret if you miss this chance again?" Of course I will regret. I will knock my head on the wall till the wall crack (oh, sounds like I have a harder head)! 

My friend reconfirmed with the waitresses there, double, triple confirmed that the guy is really really THE Kenny Sia, the famous blogger! So finally I took a very, very deep breath, walked to him and had the conversation below:

me:       Hi, are you Kenny Sia? (blushed)
Kenny: Ahar. (His mouth was full of pasta)
me:       I'm sorry to interrupt you. My name is Felicia, and I'm your blog's follower for the past few years. Can I take a photo with you? (My face was like burning, my heart pounded so heavily till I felt like I was going to have a heart attack.)
Kenny: But I'm eating. (still munching)
me:       I know. I'm so sorry to interrupt you. (felt like digging a hole to hide my head in like an ostrich) But I really really love your blog. I'm from Miri (well, originally from Kuching) and I'm leaving soon (still have one week plus before flying back though). Please.... (I think I sounded ridiculous. I have no idea what I was talking. I just know that my face must be extremely red as I can feel my cheeks are burning)
Kenny: Ok. Give me a minute! (he tried very hard to swallow the mouthful of pasta in the shortest time)
me:      Thank you very much. It's very kind of you! (I was over excited!! Nearly jump up to the roof.)
Kenny: It has been a long time for people asking to take photo with me. Haha. (Oh! He is so cute!)
(I was so stiff, didn't dare to move at all. I can even felt my mouth was twitching when I smiled. Gosh! I was so nervous! I wish I had put on some makeup that day!) 
Well, after snapping several photos, here goes our conversation again. 
me: Thank you very much, Kenny! Have a nice day! (Virtual hugs without any action)
Kenny: No problem. Have a pleasant flight! (So sweet! I should have ask for his handphone number but what should I do with the number? Hmm....just a crazy thought.)

Once my friends and I stepped out from the restaurant, I just couldn't stop laughing and smiling. They said I looked silly and I believe so. I can't stop smiling now when I recall back too. Hahaha!

Here are the photos I have with my cute Kenny. ^ ^

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Flowers of War

The Flowers of War (金陵十三钗), previously titled Nanjing Heroes and 13 Flowers of Nanjing, is a 2011 Chinese historical drama war film directed by Zhang Yimou, starring Christian Bale, Ni Ni, Zhang Xinyi,Tong Dawei, Atsuro Watabe, Shigeo Kobayashi and Cao Kefan.It is set in 1937,Nanjing, China, during the "Rape of Nanjing", at the time of the Second Sino-Japanese War. A group of escapees, finding sanctuary in a church compound, try to survive the plight and persecution brought on by the violent invasion of the city. The film is based on the novel 13 Flowers of Nanjing, by Geling Yan.

An American mortician, John Miller (Bale), arrives in Nanjing in order to bury the foreign head priest of a convent for Catholic girls, just after the city was bombed and invaded by the Japanese forces. A short time after his arrival at the convent, a group of flamboyant prostitutes from the local red-light district find their way to the compound looking for shelter, as foreigners and foreign institutions seem to be left alone by the marauding Japanese soldiers. 

While the prostitutes hide out in the cellar, Miller struggles with and finally gives in to his feelings of responsibility to protect the teenage schoolgirls, and poses as the convent's priest when the compound is repeatedly visited by Japanese soldiers looking for girls to rape. With the help of Chinese collaborator Mr. Meng (Kefan), who is the father of one of the girls, he starts to repair the convent's truck in case there should be an opportunity to bring the girls out of Nanjing.
Japanese Colonel Hasegawa (Watabe) finally promises to protect the convent by placing guards in front of the gate, and requests that the girls sing a choral for him. After the performance, he hands Miller an official invitation for the girls to sing at the Japanese Army's victory celebration. Fearing for their safety (especially since the guards' main concern seems to be not letting any of the girls leave the compound), Miller declines. Hasegawa informs him that it is not a request, but an order and that the girls are going to be picked up the next day. Before they leave, the Japanese soldiers count the girls and erroneously include one of the prostitutes (who has strayed from the cellar looking for her cat), totalling 13.

Induced by their de-facto leader Yu Mo (Ni), the prostitutes decide to protect the girls by meeting the Japanese on their behalf. As they are only twelve, the former convent priest's adopted son volunteers as well. Miller initially opposes their self-sacrificing decision, but ultimately assists in disguising them, using his skills as a mortician.

The next day, the 13 are led away by the unsuspecting Japanese soldiers. After they have left, Miller hides the convent girls on the truck he repaired. Using a single-person permit Mr. Meng was able to obtain, he drives out of the town. In the last scene, the truck is seen driving on a deserted highway in Western direction, away from the advancing Japanese army, towards safety. (copied and pasted from Wikipedia)
For me, another touching part is how the soldiers protected the students. The way the soldiers sacrificed themselves to protect the country and the people make me feel depressed. After watching the movie, my mind kept flashing back the scene on how the soldiers died, the women get tortured and gang raped. 
My hubby said, I should learn how to see things from different angle. Such as look at how the elegant prostitutes learned to protect others by scarifying themselves, how people survive in the war. 
Well, for me, no matter who died in the war, it's always depressing. Why there must be a war? Can't the people learn not to be greedy and brutal but learn how to be contented and loving? 

Friday, May 4, 2012

My new toy ~ Rainbow Cleaning System

My hubby bought me a new toy helper - Rainbow Vacuum Cleaner lately which costs him RM8590. It really changed my life after owning this wonderful vacuum cleaner. Thank you very much, my dear.

Before this, I'm phobia in using traditional vacuum cleaner due to my asthma problem. The air + dust that come out from the suction make me suffer too much. So other than buying a vacuum cleaner for my learning centre (due to the carpeted flooring), I only use broom, mop, disposable floor wipe (wet & dry) for the past few years.

I am very particular about the cleanliness of the floor especially I have a toddler at home. It's not easy to maintain the big house especially I have no more maid. It's frustrated to see the dust flying whenever I sweep and the mopping result doesn't reach my standard.

Ok. Don't get me wrong. I'm not mysophobia. Show you the research I have found below then you might be more aware after this.

"One of the most strongly allergenic materials found indoors is house dust, often heavily contaminated with the fecal pellets and cast skins of House Dust Mites. Estimates are that dust mites may be a factor in 50 to 80 percent of asthmatics, as well as in countless cases of eczema, hay fever and other allergic ailments. Common causes of allergy include house dust mites, cat dander, cockroach droppings and grass pollen. 

Symptoms are usually respiratory in nature (sneezing, itching, watery eyes, wheezing, etc.), usually NOT A RASH. However, there are reports of a red rash around the neck. Other allergic reactions may include headaches, fatigue and depression." (copied from

Allergy sufferers truly benefit from the use of Rainbow products because the water washes the dirt from the air stream that releases back into the atmosphere. This means less sneezing, less allergic reactions, and less choking from dusty rooms that usual vacuum cleaners tend to create. Not only allergy sufferers benefit from the features and capabilities associated with the Rainbow line of products. The HEPA Neutralizer has the ability to trap particles that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Now this Rainbow vacuum cleaner helps me to clean the floor easily without worrying the dust flying into my nose and cause me sneezing all day long. ^ ^

The most impressive part is how this Rainbow clean my bed. Do you know how dirty our bed is no matter how often we change our bed sheet and pillow case? 

"Beds are a prime habitat (where 1/3 of life occurs). A typical used mattress may have anywhere from 100,000 to 10 million mites inside. (Ten percent of the weight of a two year old pillow can be composed of dead mites and their droppings.) Mites prefer warm, moist surroundings such as the inside of a mattress when someone is on it. A favorite food is dander (both human and animal skin flakes). Humans shed about 1/5 ounce of dander (dead skin) each week. About 80 percent of the material seen floating in a sunbeam is actually skin flakes." (copied from

"If you could put your sheets under a microscope, you might be surprised - and a little freaked out - by what you would see. Almost every bed has dust mites, which are microscopic bugs that feed off of dead skin cells. These little things live, die and reproduce in the same bed sheets that you sleep in. Here's what you also may be sleeping in:
  • Dead skin cells - Your body sheds about a million skin cells a day, so some of those are bound to come off when you sleep. Unfortunately, dead skin cells are a tasty snack for dust mites.
  • Oils - Your body secretes natural oils as you sleep, which, of course, end up on your bed sheets.
  • Sweat - If you get too hot during the night, your body will sweat to cool off.
  • Bodily fluids - Saliva, blood, urine, fecal matter and bodily fluids from intercourse are all liable to show up on your bed sheets.
  • Food crumbs - If you like to bring that midnight snack to bed, there's probably crumbs and other food particles that are begging to be eaten by bugs."  (copied from

Scary huh?! Say hello to the dust mites!

We switch it on for air purifier too. During that period, it will take 99.997 percent of all airborne dirt, filth and allergens and thrust them into a hurricane swirling bath of water which is inside the Rainbow's space age plastic water basin. After that air wash, the room will smell as clean as the air outside after it has rained. More importantly, the air in the room will be free of filthy airborne particles and allergens. 

Oh! We got RainJet too. It works extremely well for my tiles and parquet floor. It removes the dust, oil, water easily. No more traditional mop! Yippee! ^ ^ Thank you again, my dearest hubby. Now I can survive better without maid at home. For long term planning, this new toy is definitely cheaper than hiring a maid. Haha!

Monday, April 30, 2012





有一天,一个富豪在宴客.他请了全村的一家老少以显示他的财力雄厚.在宾客来齐时,这富豪就叫所有的人围着一个用钞票做的一个人像,让在场的人猜那是什么.许多人都答不上来.一个眼尖的小孩,拉着他母亲的衣角,指着人像兴奋地大声喊说:"娘!娘!您看!那是钱做人!用钱做人啊!" 结果许多来宾听了都觉尴尬,富豪则得意地笑了起来.








Monday, March 5, 2012



Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sushi King in Miri

Salmon sushi roll

Deep-fried beef roll

Egg mayo with shredded crabsticks 

Teriyaki beef rice.

Japanese tofu

Cold soba (vegetarian friendly)

Mixed vegetable tempura (vegetarian friendly)

Deep-fried potato with coke (vegetarian friendly)

Cheesy sushi roll

Teriyaki beef sushi

Salad (lettuce, corn, carrot, egg, onion + lemon +special salad sauce)

Teriyaki Beef Tofu

Love this. It's juicy and yummy. Careful with the heat though.

Teriyaki Beef Rice Burger (reminds me of the rice burgers at Mos Burger in Singapore)

Do you feel hungry after looking at these pictures I have posted up? I do, sometimes. 
Well, no high expectation please. 
If you want to enjoy more varieties, better quality sushi and fresher Sashimi, please visit the one in Brunei. 
If you are craving for Japanese food but want something affordable and can fill up your tummy, try Sushi King then. The only Sushi King branch is at Bintang Mall (New wing), opposite Pizza Hut. 
During weekday, the 20% promotion hour is from 2pm to 6pm. Cheers!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Four Point Hotel, by Sheraton (Kuching)

There is a Four Point Hotel, managed by Sheraton in Kuching. It is located right next to the BDC gyratory interchange at the junction of the road leading from the city to the Kuching International Airport, which is just two kilometres away. During our Feb visit, we stayed there for 4 days 3 nights. This is our 2nd visit in this hotel and we like the service and friendly staff there.

However, our hotel room has problem with the air-conditioning for 1 whole day during our stay. The room was 27.5C. It was raining outside but the room was hotter than outdoor. In the end, we had to get out from the room as I felt difficulties in breathing. We had make complained for several times, but no technician came to our room  as promised and we couldn't change our room too. We were told that the whole floors were affected, so no point to change room. Staying in the room is more like torturing than enjoying.

We have stayed in many hotels every year. Surprisingly, this so-called managed by Sheraton hotel is a bit 'different'. They do provide us a baby cot when we asked for it but it's merely baby cot. Unlike other hotels which provide a complete comfortable baby cot with pillow, blanket, protector. This hotel provides nothing but only baby cot, of course with the mattress. When we asked for a blanket, they said, the hotel only have King's size or Queen's Size bed blanket/comforter. Wanna safocate my girl?! the end, we just asked for extra big towels for her.

The breakfast buffet is quite ok. The bed is ok. The tv channels....emmm...basically is from Astro so when there was heavy rain, sorry, all channels were not available. As for broadband, you have to pay for it. We didn't go to their swimming pool (very awkward design where the guests who want to swim has to walk through the restaurant) and gym facilities. As for the basement carpark, it's quite ok. Not many cars so can park near to the entrance. For hotel guest, the carpark is free of charge though.

Four Points had won Hospitality Asia Platinum Awards' 2010 to 1012.
It's still year 2011 and yet the award can be given for future performance. Amazing!
How I wish this type of award is given through the mystery shoppers comment and checklist every year.
I just can't believe it is the BEST Four Star Hotel Resort in Malaysia.
If this is the best, I can't imagine the condition of other 4 stars hotels in Malaysia then. Sigh.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Korean Instant Noodle

Have you tried any authentic Korean Instant Noodle?
Some of the noodle ingredients are purely potato. Very chewy & yummy~ 

These are the 9 packets of instant noodle I have imported from Korea. I can't stand those noodles selling in the Miri supermarket, written Korean instant noodle but all made in China. Pathetic!
I heard that there are many choices in KL too. Well, I am going there to purchase more soon. It's ok to pay higher as postage from Korea to Malaysia is not that cheap too.

"Are you trying to lose weight or gain weight?" hubby asked. 
"Lose weight of course!" I answered.
"One packet of noodle per day to replace my 3 main deals then. Haha!" I added.
Well, glad that my hubby loves them too so that I can share half of my packet with him to minus some sinful feeling while eating it. 
Instant noodle is definitely fattening.
Happy to be fat!
Yes. You must have such spirit if you want to eat them happily without guilt! 

Saturday, September 3, 2011

I wish

This is an email forwarded by my hubby to me. I would like to share with you. I have no idea who is the write but I really appreciate the great reminder for all of us. Hope you enjoy it too!


For many years I worked in palliative care. My patients were those who had gone home to die. Some incredibly special times were shared. I was with them for the last three to twelve weeks of their lives.
People grow a lot when they are faced with their own mortality. I learned never to underestimate someone's capacity for growth. Some changes were phenomenal. Each experienced a variety of emotions, as expected, denial, fear, anger, remorse, more denial and eventually acceptance. Every single patient found their peace before they departed though, every one of them.
When questioned about any regrets they had or anything they would do differently, common themes surfaced again and again. Here are the most common five: 

1. I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me

This was the most common regret of all. When people realize that their life is almost over and look back clearly on it, it is easy to see how many dreams have gone unfulfilled. Most people have had not honored even a half of their dreams and had to die knowing that it was due to choices they had made, or not made. It is very important to try and honor at least some of your dreams along the way. From the moment that you lose your health, it is too late. Health brings a freedom very few realize, until they no longer have it. 

2. I wish I didn't work so hard

This came from every male patient that I nursed. They missed their children's youth and their partner's companionship. Women also spoke of this regret. But as most were from an older generation, many of the female patients had not been breadwinners. All of the men I nursed deeply regretted spending so much of their lives on the treadmill of a work existence. By simplifying your lifestyle and making conscious choices along the way, it is possible to not need the income that you think you do. And by creating more space in your life, you become happier and more open to new opportunities, ones more suited to your new lifestyle. 

3. I wish I'd had the courage to express my feelings

Many people suppressed their feelings in order to keep peace with others. As a result, they settled for a mediocre existence and never became who they were truly capable of becoming. Many developed illnesses relating to the bitterness and resentment they carried as a result.
We cannot control the reactions of others. However, although people may initially react when you change the way you are by speaking honestly, in the end it raises the relationship to a whole new and healthier level. Either that or it releases the unhealthy relationship from your life. Either way, you win. 

4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends

Often they would not truly realize the full benefits of old friends until their dying weeks and it was not always possible to track them down. Many had become so caught up in their own lives that they had let golden friendships slip by over the years. There were many deep regrets about not giving friendships the time and effort that they deserved. Everyone misses their friends when they are dying. It is common for anyone in a busy lifestyle to let friendships slip. But when you are faced with your approaching death, the physical details of life fall away. People do want to get their financial affairs in order if possible. But it is not money or status that holds the true importance for them. They want to get things in order more for the benefit of those they love. Usually though, they are too ill and weary to ever manage this task. It is all comes down to love and relationships in the end. That is all that remains in the final weeks, love and relationships. 

5. I wish that I had let myself be happier

This is a surprisingly common one. Many did not realize until the end that happiness is a choice. They had stayed stuck in old patterns and habits. The so-called 'comfort' of familiarity overflowed into their emotions, as well as their physical lives. Fear of change had them pretending to others, and to their selves, that they were content. When deep within, they longed to laugh properly and have silliness in their life again.
When you are on your deathbed, what others think of you is a long way from your mind. How wonderful to be able to let go and smile again, long before you are dying.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Secret Recipe~Garden Salad

Ordered Garden Salad at Secret Recipe. I think this is the worst salad I have ever tried. Only lettuce, tomato and cucumber with Thousand Island sauce. I can make a better one.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Esplanade Beach, Miri

Don't get confused. This is not Pasar Malam (night market). These are the stalls at the  Esplanade Beach, Miri. Shiok?! I love to buy the pisang goreng (fried banana) and sit at the beach, munching and enjoying the sea breeze + beautiful sunset with my hubby. Romantic!~ 

The beach is located at Luak Bay, which is about 15 to 20 mins from town and 5 to 10 mins from the airport.  This is one of the favorite places for couples, families and youngsters to spend their quality time in the evening. 

It is nice to walk along the beach and appreciate the beautiful nature.

"Walk walk walk. Opps. What is that!?"

"Look! What is this black thing in the sand?" Yes. My girl found  a 'treasure' (black plastic bag) which make me aware of the problems at the beach. She was fascinated with the weird thing in the sand and spent quite some time stepping on it due to her curiosity. 

When we looked around,  we saw rubbish had been thrown everywhere. There are rubbish bins along the beach and yet people just ignored it.  

The nature is so beautiful but the selfish public are ugly. Sigh.  

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Free shows for PE teacher

These days, newspapers have news about school girls being molested by their own male teacher. I am not sure all these cases just increased in recent years or many victims chose to keep quiet for all the past decade?

I remember when I was 13 years old, we had a weird PE teacher at SMK Kuching Town (I believe those who studied there will know who is that weird teacher). He warned us not to wear short leggings during PE as such clothing is 'bad' for girls during exercise. So we were forced to wear those 'loose' shorts else he will punish us by running 400meter during the PE session.

This type of short legging is bad for health? 

Only this type of shorts is suitable for sports?

All the girls will line up at the front line whereas the boys will be behind. Before we started any sports, this teacher will make us sit down on the ground to do some warm-up exercises. The warm-up exercises were always legs stretching. Yes. He make everyone of us open our legs to stretch and he will be sitting in front of us 'watching'. Any female who wore tights 'secretly' under the loose pants will get caught. That time my friends and I were wondering, if he didn't see what is underneath our shorts, how did he know so well?

Tights under our shorts are not allowed too. 
In order to 'pass' his test', he has to make sure underneath our loose shorts are panties. If we happened to use our hands to cover the side of the shorts, prevent being seen, he will make us change position or scolded us for not being concentrate.

We knew something was wrong about this teacher but we dare not tell our parents because he is our teacher. Luckily he didn't molest us but just enjoyed free show for so many years. (There were only 2 PE teachers for the entire school, my goodness.) I am glad that I only studied in that school for 1 year. Now when I recalled back, I realized that there were many victims who chose to keep quiet (never tell our parents) for all these years, that includes me.