
Showing posts with label Mask. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mask. Show all posts

Monday, December 20, 2010

Laneige ~ Water Sleeping Pack Plus Ex

Laneige Water Sleeping Pack Plus Ex

Laneige Water Sleeping Pack_EX is a feather-light, leave-on gel mask for you to apply just before bedtime.

It penetrates the skin immediately upon application; infusing it with a concentrated supply of moisture while you sleep. Skin is lustrously revitalized the next day!

Active ingredients Vitamin E Acetate (stabilized Vitamin E) protects the skin against UV damage and environmental stresses while yeast extract Toniskin encourages the skin to mend and tone itself.

Bio HE, a unique ingredient derived from collagen which holds up to several hundred times its own weight in moisture, feeds the skin a continuous supply of moisture.



锁水滋养睡眠面膜在中华圈内作为单一品目在化妆品全体销售中占据了第一位(数量标准),即使是现在仍保持着极高的人气,还被香港时尚杂志《Oriental Sunday More》等多份杂志选为最受欢迎的保湿产品。

2009年10月,在现有锁水睡眠面膜基础上升级的“锁水滋养睡眠面膜_EX”上市。这款产品含有抗氧化效果很高的杏仁提取物,可以给皮肤带来全新的滋润感,另外,栗子提取物可以除去老化角质并柔滑地进行水分供给。而且兰芝独家开发的睡眠香水( Sleepscent? 申请专利)添加的香味儿可以弛缓疲惫的身心,给睡眠带来帮助。

1. 一周使用两次,用于晚间护理时乳液之后。
2. 取胡桃仁大小涂抹于整个脸部,等吸收后便可入睡。
3. 第二天早晨,请用水或洁面乳进行清洗。

Retail Price: RM100
Our Price: RM90


All items are ready stock. To place order, kindly email to Thank you!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Face Mask ~ Kuang Yuan Liang 广源良~草根美学面膜

廣源良 ~山茶花煥采淨透面
Taiwan KYL ~  Whitening Mask (Pink


Specially designed for whitening & brightening effect with its flower essences.



適用膚質:各種肌膚 (推薦黯沉及較黑、無光澤的肌膚使用)

廣源良 ~茶树清爽净油面膜
Taiwan KYL ~ Oil Control Mask (Brown)


Specially designed for oil-control.



Taiwan KYL ~ Moisture Mask (Blue)

Specially designed for hydrating & moisturizing.




廣源良 ~ 丝瓜水洋舒缓面膜
Taiwan KYL ~ Cucumber Mask (Green)


Specially designed to improve dull & rough skin type. It helps to smoothen and soften your skin naturally.



廣源良 ~ 鳶尾花抗皺緊緻面膜
Taiwan KYL ~ Firming & Anti-Wrinkle Mask  (Purple)


Specially designed for anti-wrinkle with great firming effect!



適用膚質:各種肌膚 (推薦有小細紋及肌膚鬆弛等困擾者使用)

Ready stock!
Promotion Price: RM30 per box (10pcs)
(min 10 pcs for mix & match flavors)

Kindly email to for order or more information. 
Welcome reseller for wholesale price!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Face Mask ~ FaceQ 絕世美肌面膜

Taiwan FaceQ - Red Pomegranate + CoQ10 Mask
絕世美肌~紅石榴coQ10面膜 白皙透亮

- Whitening & brightening
- Oil control & anti acne
- Anti oxidation effect

成份 :




兒茶素 :趕走水分滯留與腫

白毫銀針:茶多酚含量高 為綠茶的二至三倍是天然的抗氧化劑。




Taiwan FaceQ - Luffa + Adlay Mask
絕世美肌~絲瓜薏仁酵素面膜 雙效保濕

**Suitable for sensitive skin**
- Soothing & moisturizing
- Anti oxidation effect which helps delay aging
- Maintains skin elasticity
- Tightens pores



使用完後迅速安撫肌膚紅腫敏感,溫和不刺激天然保濕、舒緩鎮靜、消除敏感泛紅肌膚、溫和不刺激 。

薏仁:加強肌膚保濕,安撫肌膚,消除色素斑點,使肌膚白晰,對皮膚粗糙有良好療效。薏仁的營養成分除了澱粉類之外,還含有相當多的蛋白質與油脂、維生素 B1、B2,以及鈣、鐵、磷等礦物質。




Taiwan FaceQ~Caviar and Hyaluronic Acid Moisture Mask *NEW!! (Lifting Mask)

- Anti-wrinkle with caviar extract
- Moisturizing
- Brightening

**Suitable for sensitive skin

保濕 極潤   一拉二提QQ   臉皮膚緊緻有彈性!  鑽石紋水漾布膜   黃金拉提點





適合膚質: 所有肌膚,推薦有缺水粗糙,缺乏彈性等肌膚使用,特別適用敏感性肌膚。

Taiwan FaceQ ~ Peony - Snow Lotus And Sake Yeast Whitening Mask *NEW!! (Lifting Mask)

- Whitening & Brightening
- Soothing & Moisturizing
- Improves skin texture with herbs

**Suitable for sensitive skin

極潤   一拉二提QQ   臉皮膚緊緻有彈性!  鑽石紋水漾布膜   黃金拉提點





適合膚質: 所有肌膚,推薦缺水暗沉、膚色暗沉、蠟黃、缺乏彈性等敏感肌膚使用。

Taiwan FaceQ - Grape Seed + Green Tea Mask
絕世美肌~葡萄籽綠茶面膜 淨白潤澤

- High anti oxidation effect
- Restore skin radiance
- Tightens pores

成份 :




Taiwan FaceQ - Ocean + Aloe Mask
絕世美肌~海洋飽水膠原蘆薈面膜 高效保濕

- Highly moisturizing
- Helps improve skin texture

成份 :





海藻醣: 天然保濕具長效保濕維持肌膚滋潤與光澤
植物細胞精華Exclusive Cellular Complex:具高度保濕功能



瞬間獲得 透亮的水感肌

Ready stock. Email to for more information.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Skinfood ~ Wash-off Mask

Skinfood ~ Rice Mask (Wash Off) 100ml

Exfoliating wash off scrub mask with minerals, vitamins and gamma oryzanol. Moisturizes and whitens the skin.

Apply evenly after cleansing. Avoid eye and mouth area. Gently scrub and wash off with lukewarm water after 10 - 15 minutes.



潔面後,把水分擦乾,取適量避開眼、唇四周均勻塗抹於臉部,利用細顆粒輕柔按摩後,待 10 至 15 分鐘後,再以溫水洗淨。

Skinfood ~ Black Sugar Mask (Wash Off) 100ml

Moisturizing and exfoliating wash off scrub mask with minerals, vitamins and glycolic acid. Cleanses and revitalizes the skin.

Apply evenly after cleansing. Avoid eye and mouth area. Gently scrub and wash off with lukewarm water after 10 - 15 minutes.



潔面後有水份的狀態下 , 取適量避開眼、唇四周,以按摩式均勻塗抹於臉部,再以溫水洗淨。(讓肌膚不受到刺激,可混合清水或化妝水使用。

Skinfood ~ Cucumber Soothing Mask (Wash Off) 100ml

Cucumber extract instantly revitalizes tired, dull skin by increasing the skin’s vitality and resilience.

It helps skin soothe, hydrate, and reduce irritation. Effective for soothing reddened skin after a hot day or sun tanning.

The nutrients and benefits of ground cucumber minimizes external stimulus and makes your skin healthy and clean. Excellent for all skin types.

Simply cleanse your face, put on this mask and watch how it clams and soothes your face.

A great tip would be having this chilled in the fridge, so that whenever you feel your skin is stressed out, especially after a long day under the sun, apply this mask and feel the cooling sensation.

Oh yes, it smells totally cucumber! A very refreshing scent if you ask me.

Apply evenly after cleansing. Avoid the eyes and mouth area. Wash off with lukewarm water after 10 - 15 minutes.

富含黄瓜提取物和马齿苋、免疫多糖等,保湿和镇定皮肤效果非常优秀。 仿佛可以感受到新鲜黄瓜的营养和果汁般质感的用水清洗系列面膜。放置于冰箱冷藏后使用,效果更加明显。

小黃瓜萃取精華,富含大量的水分及各種的維他命A、 B1、B2、C,養顏美容效果佳,能使肌膚柔嫩白皙,延緩老化。富含葉綠素及維他命,有助於肌膚美容、潤膚及延緩細紋的產生。可舒緩肌膚,提供豐富的保濕及嫩白效果、不刺激,適合各種類型肌膚。冰存後使用更有效。

潔面後,取適量避開眼、唇四周以按摩式均勻塗抹於臉部 10 至 15 分鐘後,再以溫水洗淨。

Skinfood ~ Kiwi Yogurt Mask (Wash Off) 100ml

Exfoliating yogurt wash off facial pack with kiwi extract. Rich with vitamin and moisture controls oiliness and tightens pores.

Apply evenly after cleansing. Avoid the eye and mouth area. Wash off with lukewarm water after 10 - 15 minutes.



Special price. Ready stock.
For more information, kindly email to

Monday, October 4, 2010

Skinfood~Acai Berry (Wash-off mask)

Skinfood~Acai Berry Mask (100g) *NEW

Acai Berry Mask pack is a soft jelly texture that can be easily absorbed by the skin.

It contains an ample amount of vitamin C and antioxidants that hydrate intensively from within and combat premature aging skin.

After washing, apply an ample amount on damp face. Leave for 5 minutes, and then rinse off with lukewarm water.



RM59 only

Ready stock with special price. For more information, kindly email to

Dermal Mask for Sale

Dermal Korea Mask Sheet

Dermal Essence Mask is a popular brand in South Korean because of its fine quality and moderate prices without losing the spirit and it becomes South Korea's top-selling brand nowadays.

The brand's core idea is "Skin Confident with Dermal". South Korea has always been adhering to the health of its philosophy, from the orchards, forests and marine to extract 30 different types of fruit and herbal essence and added to the Dermal mask.

Furthermore, the high-grade non-woven helps to able the skin to absorb more completely.

30 different characteristics of the mask can be used in accordance with different skin conditions, so that there is no more pressure on the skin and moisturizing it everyday!

30 flavors available:-
01. Green Tea
02. Apricot (sold out)
03. Collagen (sold out)
04. Whitening
05. Q10
06. Arbutin
07. Wine (sold out)
08. Pomegranate
09. Aqua (sold out)
10. Aloe (sold out)
11. Grape (sold out)
12. Seaweed
13. Lemon (sold out)
14. Herb
15. Potato
16. Cucumber
17. Acerola (sold out)
18. For men
19. Vitamin C
20. Charcoal
21. Pearl (sold out)
22. Royal Jelly
23. Job's Tears (sold out)
24. Kiwi (sold out)
25. Artemisia (sold out)
26. Red Ginseng (sold out)
27. Yellow Ocher
28. Rice Bran
29. Apple
30. Tomato

櫻桃 Acerola
- 舒緩 / 亮麗 / 溫和 /美白 Soothing, Brightening, Mild, Whitening

蘋果 Apple
- 舒緩/ 收斂美肌 / 緊緻 Soothing, Convergence, Firming

杏仁 Apricot
- 保濕 / 緊緻 / 亮麗 /美白 Moisturizing, Firming, Brightening, Whitening

水份 Aqua
- 緊緻 / 保濕 / 細緻 Firming, Moisturizing, Refining

熊果素 Arbutin
- 亮麗 / 美白 / 細緻 Brightening, Whitening, Refining

艾蒿 Artemisia
- 溫和 / 排毒 / 細緻 Mild, Detox, Refining

木炭 Charcoal
- 細緻 / 排毒 / 舒緩 Refining, Detox, Soothing

輔酵素 Coenzyme Q10
- 緊緻 / 保濕 / 亮麗 Firming, Moisturizing, Brightening

骨膠原 Collagen
- 緊緻 / 保濕 / 溫和 Firming, Moisturizing, Mild

青瓜 Cucumber
- 潔淨 / 保濕 / 細緻 Purify, Moisturizing, Refining

蘆薈 Fresh Aloe
- 舒緩 / 收斂美肌 /營養 Soothing, Convergence, Nutricious

葡萄 Grape
- 緊緻 / 保濕 / 排毒 Firming, Moisturizing, Detox

綠茶 Green Tea
- 溫和 / 排毒 / 緊緻 Mild, Detox, Firming

草本 Herb
- 舒緩 / 潔淨 / 保濕 Soothing, Purify, Moisturizing

薏米 Job's Tears
- 營養 / 舒緩 / 保濕 Nutricious, Soothing Moisturizing

奇異果 Kiwi
- 溫和 / 亮麗 / 營養 Mild, Brightening, Nutritious

檸檬 Lemon
- 亮麗 / 收斂美肌 / 細緻 / 控油 Brightening, Tightening, Refining, Oil Control

黃土 Yellow Ocher
- 舒緩 / 亮麗 / 保濕 /控油 Soothing, Brightening, Moisturizing, Oil Control

珍珠 Pearl
- 保濕 / 潔淨 / 亮麗/美白 Moisturizing, Purify Brightening, Whitening

石榴 Pomegranate
- 緊緻 / 保濕 / 溫和/ 美白 Firming, Moisturizing, Mild, Whitening

馬鈴薯 Potato - 舒緩 / 溫和 / 保濕/控油 Soothing, Mild, Moisturizing, Oil Control

紅參 Red Ginseng
- 溫和 / 緊緻 / 亮麗 Mild, Firming, Brightening

紅酒 Red Wine
- 緊緻 / 保濕 / 舒緩/美白 Firming, Moisturizing, Soothing, Whitening

米糠 Rice Bran
- 保濕 /美白 / 舒緩/控油 Moisturizing, Whitening, Soothing, Oil Control

蜂王漿 Royal Jelly
- 營養 / 保濕 / 細緻 Nutricious, Moisturizing, Refining

海藻 Seaweed
- 保濕 / 溫和 / 控油 Moisturizing, Mild, Oil Control

番茄 Tomato
- 亮麗 / 營養 / 舒緩/,美白 Brightening, Nutricious, Soothing, Whitening

維他命 Vitamin
- 亮麗 / 緊緻 / 細緻 Brightening, Firming, Refining

美白 White
- 亮麗 / 保濕 / 緊緻 Brightening, Moisturizing, Firming

男仕面膜 Mask for Men
- 亮麗 / 緊緻 / 保濕 Brightening, Firming, Moisturizing

RM4.50 per pc
Member: RM3.50 per pc

(min 10 pcs per order for mixed and match)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Face Masks

Ordered another 6,000 pieces of masks yesterday after my 3,000 pieces of masks arrived last week. Ya. Total ordered nearly hit 10,000 pieces in a month from one supplier, sounds crazy!

I have no idea why I wanted to risk my business by getting such big bulk, it is my nature, I think. Insanity + Insanity + Insanity.

Don't ask me when I can finish selling all the masks I bought. As what I know, I had given away most of my 1st batch order for free to my customers. I feel happy to know my customers like my service and love the freebies I gave them. Maybe making people happy makes me satisfy in the business for all these years. Just hope my low profit margin can cover all the expenses, else I might can't sustain for long.@.@

My friends are curious in the masks I ordered. Here are the pictures of the masks available for sale now. Take a look and start ordering if you are interested. Cheers~

Cellina's Time Up Mask (6 flavors, 5 pcs/box). Made in Taiwan.

My Scheming Crystal Eye Mask (4 flavors, 10 pairs/box). Made in Taiwan.

Dainty Mask (8 flavors). Made in Taiwan.

Kuang Yuan Liang Mask (5 flavors, 10 pcs/box). Made in Taiwan.

My Beauty Diary Masks (19 flavors, 10pcs/box). Made in Taiwan.

FaceQ Mask (4 flavors, 10pcs/box). Made in Taiwan.

Aqualette Mask (6 flavors). Made in Korea.

Sofia Mask (7 flavors, 10pcs/box). Made in Taiwan.

Beauty Friends Masks (15 flavors). Made in Korea.

My Scheming Mask (28 Flavors). Made in Taiwan.

My Scheming - New packaging (28 flavors, 10 pcs/box). Made in Taiwan.

By the way, those masks I ordered from Korea are not counted yet.Too many to upload though.

So if I have to use all the masks by myself, I can use it for at least 27 years (using it every day). My princess will be 27 years old by then. Oh. The masks will get expired after 2-3 years. Emm...have to use it for my whole body then. My hubby will have to use it too. Hahaha. No way! I should be positive! I will be able to sell off all the masks soon!

For your information, I do provide wholesale prices (minimum 100pcs). If you are a genuine buyer, I will love to hear from u then. (^O^)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Mask - Beauty Friends (Korea)

Beauty Friends Mask Sheet - Hot Seller in Korea

 Aloe Mask Pack  - RM6

Includes aloe extracts that help to prevent 
infection while it moisturizes dry skin.

Arbutin Mask Pack - RM6 

Includes arbutin that helps to prevent the 

formation of melanin while it cleans and moisturizes.

Aroma Mask Pack - RM6

Helps to soothe the tired skin and make skin feel soft 

and supple while it cleans and moisturizes.


 Coenzyme Q10 Mask Pack - RM6

Includes coenzyme Q10 extracts that help to
rejuvenate sensitive skin while it cleans and moisturizes.

Collagen Mask Pack - RM6

Includes collagen that helps to make skin feel soft and supple while it cleans and moisturizes.

  Cucumber Mask Pack - RM6

Includes cucumber extracts that help to tighten pores, soften rough skin while it cleans, 
moisturizes and hydrates.

 Green Tea Mask Pack - RM6

Includes green tea extracts which are naturally rich in antioxidants, 
which help to protect skin from free radicals.

Herb Mask Pack - RM6 

Includes herbal extracts that help to rejuvenate sensitive skin while it cleans and moisturizes.

Lemon Mask Pack - RM6 
Includes lemon extracts containing lots of vitamin C 
which helps to rejuvenate and make skin elastic. 
It also cleans and moisturizes the skin.

Marine Algae Mask Pack - RM6 

 Includes various kinds of minerals and vitamins that help 

to rejuvenate sensitive skin while it cleans and moisturizes.


 Pomegranate Mask Pack - RM6 

Includes pomegranate extracts that help to smooth rough skin and tighten skin pores.


 Potato Mask Pack - RM6
Sheets with concentrated natural plant extract which help absorb the nutritional agents. 
Water-soluble essence mask pack which replenishes and softens your skin.

Red Ginseng Mask Pack - RM6

Includes red ginseng extracts giving out natural fragrance that 

tighten skin pores while it cleans and moisturizes.



 Royal Jelly Mask Pack - RM6

The honey extract helps to soften the skin and is excellent in helping to 

heighten your skin's moisture holding capacity. 

Helps keep skin healthy looking and elastic.

 Vitamin Mask Pack - RM6 

Includes Vitamin E that helps to protect skin from the damage caused 

by free radicals while it cleans and moisturizes.

Kindly read through the Terms & Conditions before ordering. Thank you!
Please email to

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Face Shop - Peel-Off Masks

1) Home Aesthetic Firming Honey Pack (All Skin Type)

Century-proven home remedy skincare tips are now made into easy convenient packs. Skip the troubles of preparing and enjoy even better result.

Mouth-watering honey gives an instant lift and hydration in peel-off type texture.

2) Home Aesthetic Purifying Egg White Pack (Combination To Oily)  

Century-proven home remedy skincare tips are now made into easy convenient packs. Skip the troubles of preparing and enjoy even better result.

Deep cleansing peel-off mask eliminates impurities and accumulated oil from the pores promoting a cell renewal.

Kindly read through the Terms & Conditions before ordering. Thank you!
Please email to

The Face Shop - Wash-Off Masks

1) Home Aesthetic Pack - Fresh Cucumber Pack (Combination To Oily)

Century-proven home remedy skincare tips are now made into easy convenient packs. Skip the troubles of preparing and enjoy even better result.

Refreshing cooling aroma just like a real cucumber. It feels invigorating as soon as it touches your skin. Perfect for a stressed environmentally-damaged skin.

RM33 / SG$ 15

2) Home Aesthetic Pack - Smooth Seaweed Pack (Combination To Oily) 

Century-used home remedy skincare tips are now made into easy convenient packs. Skip the troubles of preparing and enjoy even better result.

Tightens pores while minimizing excess sebum production. Resurface a rough skin to a smooth silky skin.

RM33 / SG$ 15

3) Home Aesthetic Hydrating Milk Pack (Normal To Dry)

Century-proven home remedy skincare tips are now made into easy convenient packs. Skip the troubles of preparing and enjoy even better result.

Hydrating, Softening. Satisfy rough, thirsty skin with this hydrating milk pack. It softens and brightens your skin tone like a baby’s.

RM33 / SG$ 15


Kindly read through the Terms & Conditions before ordering. Thank you!
Please email to