
Showing posts with label Wish List. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wish List. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Kenny Sia

Guess who had I met in Kuching? 
(well, obviously you can guess it right because it's already written in my  post title) 

Kenny Sia! My favorite blogger! Wahahahahaha!

Well, the first time I met him was in many years ago at the Manhattan Fish Market Restaurant at The Spring, Kuching. 

My younger sister and I were so excited when we realized that the young man who just walked into the restaurant and sitting so 'near' to us (less than 5 meter), breathing the same air (scrumptious food smell), having lunch in the same restaurant is Kenny. Wow!

Then I suggested, "Hey, let's take a photo with him!" 
My sister gave me a look and said, "Are you sure? Please don't do anything silly and make a fool of yourself. What do you wanna say to him?"
I was like errr.....I have no idea. 

Well, I really wish to shake his hand and said hello but I wasn't brave enough. So in the end, I didn't take any action but left the restaurant sadly. Ever since then, I have been regretted for many years. 

However, during my trip to Kuching this time, I met him again at Tom's Restaurant at Jalan Padungan. My friends and I were leaving (our butts were stick on the chairs though) after our wonderful lunch and saw him walking in from the main entrance. I was stunned and wasn't sure whether he is Kenny (well, he does look different compare to many years ago). I kept asking my friends and they have no idea who is Kenny Sia. T_T  

After I told them my 'story' and how much I 'love' him, they encouraged me to step forward without any delay. He was sitting at the corner eating his pasta. I felt so sorry to interrupt him and I nearly back off. My friend looked into my eyes and said, "Are you sure you wouldn't regret if you miss this chance again?" Of course I will regret. I will knock my head on the wall till the wall crack (oh, sounds like I have a harder head)! 

My friend reconfirmed with the waitresses there, double, triple confirmed that the guy is really really THE Kenny Sia, the famous blogger! So finally I took a very, very deep breath, walked to him and had the conversation below:

me:       Hi, are you Kenny Sia? (blushed)
Kenny: Ahar. (His mouth was full of pasta)
me:       I'm sorry to interrupt you. My name is Felicia, and I'm your blog's follower for the past few years. Can I take a photo with you? (My face was like burning, my heart pounded so heavily till I felt like I was going to have a heart attack.)
Kenny: But I'm eating. (still munching)
me:       I know. I'm so sorry to interrupt you. (felt like digging a hole to hide my head in like an ostrich) But I really really love your blog. I'm from Miri (well, originally from Kuching) and I'm leaving soon (still have one week plus before flying back though). Please.... (I think I sounded ridiculous. I have no idea what I was talking. I just know that my face must be extremely red as I can feel my cheeks are burning)
Kenny: Ok. Give me a minute! (he tried very hard to swallow the mouthful of pasta in the shortest time)
me:      Thank you very much. It's very kind of you! (I was over excited!! Nearly jump up to the roof.)
Kenny: It has been a long time for people asking to take photo with me. Haha. (Oh! He is so cute!)
(I was so stiff, didn't dare to move at all. I can even felt my mouth was twitching when I smiled. Gosh! I was so nervous! I wish I had put on some makeup that day!) 
Well, after snapping several photos, here goes our conversation again. 
me: Thank you very much, Kenny! Have a nice day! (Virtual hugs without any action)
Kenny: No problem. Have a pleasant flight! (So sweet! I should have ask for his handphone number but what should I do with the number? Hmm....just a crazy thought.)

Once my friends and I stepped out from the restaurant, I just couldn't stop laughing and smiling. They said I looked silly and I believe so. I can't stop smiling now when I recall back too. Hahaha!

Here are the photos I have with my cute Kenny. ^ ^

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The cutest thing ~ ChurpChurp

If you have been reading my blog, you should be able to see that I have advertisements by Nuffnang. And Nuffnang have a reward social media called ChurpChurp. It is a community that rewards social media influencers for sharing messages on the latest updates, campaigns and events. You will get some earning when the reader click on the links shared by you over Facebook or tweet it on your twitter account. 

This cutest thing that I found on this ChurpChurp is the simple but adorable design bird. This birdie has 2 big rounded eyes, yellow pointed beak, 2 short black legs and striking blue feathers. Too bad the plush toy is not for sale as I really wish to get one for myself  my princess.

Check out this adorable birdie. It's like saying "Do you love me?" and "Hug me please."

Another ChurpChurp item I wish to get is the USD drive. Don't you think is very, very, very cute?

Something that I wish to own before I die  my princess and I have outgrown from them.