
Monday, October 4, 2010

Dermal Mask for Sale

Dermal Korea Mask Sheet

Dermal Essence Mask is a popular brand in South Korean because of its fine quality and moderate prices without losing the spirit and it becomes South Korea's top-selling brand nowadays.

The brand's core idea is "Skin Confident with Dermal". South Korea has always been adhering to the health of its philosophy, from the orchards, forests and marine to extract 30 different types of fruit and herbal essence and added to the Dermal mask.

Furthermore, the high-grade non-woven helps to able the skin to absorb more completely.

30 different characteristics of the mask can be used in accordance with different skin conditions, so that there is no more pressure on the skin and moisturizing it everyday!

30 flavors available:-
01. Green Tea
02. Apricot (sold out)
03. Collagen (sold out)
04. Whitening
05. Q10
06. Arbutin
07. Wine (sold out)
08. Pomegranate
09. Aqua (sold out)
10. Aloe (sold out)
11. Grape (sold out)
12. Seaweed
13. Lemon (sold out)
14. Herb
15. Potato
16. Cucumber
17. Acerola (sold out)
18. For men
19. Vitamin C
20. Charcoal
21. Pearl (sold out)
22. Royal Jelly
23. Job's Tears (sold out)
24. Kiwi (sold out)
25. Artemisia (sold out)
26. Red Ginseng (sold out)
27. Yellow Ocher
28. Rice Bran
29. Apple
30. Tomato

櫻桃 Acerola
- 舒緩 / 亮麗 / 溫和 /美白 Soothing, Brightening, Mild, Whitening

蘋果 Apple
- 舒緩/ 收斂美肌 / 緊緻 Soothing, Convergence, Firming

杏仁 Apricot
- 保濕 / 緊緻 / 亮麗 /美白 Moisturizing, Firming, Brightening, Whitening

水份 Aqua
- 緊緻 / 保濕 / 細緻 Firming, Moisturizing, Refining

熊果素 Arbutin
- 亮麗 / 美白 / 細緻 Brightening, Whitening, Refining

艾蒿 Artemisia
- 溫和 / 排毒 / 細緻 Mild, Detox, Refining

木炭 Charcoal
- 細緻 / 排毒 / 舒緩 Refining, Detox, Soothing

輔酵素 Coenzyme Q10
- 緊緻 / 保濕 / 亮麗 Firming, Moisturizing, Brightening

骨膠原 Collagen
- 緊緻 / 保濕 / 溫和 Firming, Moisturizing, Mild

青瓜 Cucumber
- 潔淨 / 保濕 / 細緻 Purify, Moisturizing, Refining

蘆薈 Fresh Aloe
- 舒緩 / 收斂美肌 /營養 Soothing, Convergence, Nutricious

葡萄 Grape
- 緊緻 / 保濕 / 排毒 Firming, Moisturizing, Detox

綠茶 Green Tea
- 溫和 / 排毒 / 緊緻 Mild, Detox, Firming

草本 Herb
- 舒緩 / 潔淨 / 保濕 Soothing, Purify, Moisturizing

薏米 Job's Tears
- 營養 / 舒緩 / 保濕 Nutricious, Soothing Moisturizing

奇異果 Kiwi
- 溫和 / 亮麗 / 營養 Mild, Brightening, Nutritious

檸檬 Lemon
- 亮麗 / 收斂美肌 / 細緻 / 控油 Brightening, Tightening, Refining, Oil Control

黃土 Yellow Ocher
- 舒緩 / 亮麗 / 保濕 /控油 Soothing, Brightening, Moisturizing, Oil Control

珍珠 Pearl
- 保濕 / 潔淨 / 亮麗/美白 Moisturizing, Purify Brightening, Whitening

石榴 Pomegranate
- 緊緻 / 保濕 / 溫和/ 美白 Firming, Moisturizing, Mild, Whitening

馬鈴薯 Potato - 舒緩 / 溫和 / 保濕/控油 Soothing, Mild, Moisturizing, Oil Control

紅參 Red Ginseng
- 溫和 / 緊緻 / 亮麗 Mild, Firming, Brightening

紅酒 Red Wine
- 緊緻 / 保濕 / 舒緩/美白 Firming, Moisturizing, Soothing, Whitening

米糠 Rice Bran
- 保濕 /美白 / 舒緩/控油 Moisturizing, Whitening, Soothing, Oil Control

蜂王漿 Royal Jelly
- 營養 / 保濕 / 細緻 Nutricious, Moisturizing, Refining

海藻 Seaweed
- 保濕 / 溫和 / 控油 Moisturizing, Mild, Oil Control

番茄 Tomato
- 亮麗 / 營養 / 舒緩/,美白 Brightening, Nutricious, Soothing, Whitening

維他命 Vitamin
- 亮麗 / 緊緻 / 細緻 Brightening, Firming, Refining

美白 White
- 亮麗 / 保濕 / 緊緻 Brightening, Moisturizing, Firming

男仕面膜 Mask for Men
- 亮麗 / 緊緻 / 保濕 Brightening, Firming, Moisturizing

RM4.50 per pc
Member: RM3.50 per pc

(min 10 pcs per order for mixed and match)

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