
Saturday, May 5, 2012

How to occupy your child in the restaurant

I love coloring.
My cookie monster is green in color.  

Elmo too. Green tummy and green nose.  

More green on your big tummy, then you will look like Oscar. 
Whenever we eat out, I will make sure my princess has many things to do at her baby chair. Such as coloring books (more than 1 in case she is bored with the same book all the time) with crayon or coloring pencils, books to read (she can read books fast, so have to bring 10 books minimum plus those children picture dictionary books), iTouch (last resource) or sometimes play with her food  let her feeding herself using the toddler feeding set (depends whether she wants the food we are having).

It's ok to let her scribble, doodling the coloring book. Let her be creative without restraining her MUST COLOR within the line. She will learn it by herself slowly. Sometimes, she will color everywhere except the picture itself. Sometimes, she will color the picture itself ONLY. Sometimes she will scribble a bit on every page. Well, as long as my hubby and I can have a peaceful meal, she can do anything she wants.

Look at how she colored the nose and tummy of Elmo. I feel that it's a big improvement for 2-year-old toddler. Her motor skill is better in controlling where she wants to color. (I don't want to enforce too much on how to hold a pencil and how to write or color etc as we should let her explore more by using her right brain. Only after 4-year-old, we can start her on things according to the left brain ability.)

Lately she likes to use all her coloring pencils in the coloring book. She will get the coloring pencil out one by one to 'mix' color happily. She always like to start with red, then orange, yellow, green, blue etc. I'm quite surprised on the sequence as the coloring pencils in the box are not arrange in such at all. I never teach her to mix color. Hmm...maybe she did see me mix the colors before, such as the rainbow?

Will she become the next Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso, Vincent Van Gogh, Georgia O'Keefe or Frida Kahlo? Her mother is thinking too much again. Hahaha!

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